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SMS Joke

4.6 ( 6816 ratings )
Verktyg Produktivitet
Utvecklare: RTS Media

Send joke text messages

To prevent abuse you have to verify your real number. This number will always displayed at the end of the message.

To send joke text message you have to buy "Codes". You can buy these "Codes" easily via InApp. Each "Code" is for one joke SMS.

We offer the option of sending joke SMS.

Sender and Recipient
Sender and Recipient shouldnt be the same. This can lead to problems with the delivery of a joke SMS.

Avoid same texts to the same recipient in a short time. These will be marked as spam and may not be delivered.

Please double check the recipients number. Joke text messages can only be delivered on real existing numbers. Also pay attention to set the right country.

Can I receive the answer from a joke text?
Sorry, this is not possible

Flash Text
Flash text allows you (in most cases) to send full screen real text messages (SMS). A good way to have amazing fun with your contacts. Flash text messages are handled differently regarding recipient operator and smartphone. So in most cases a Flash-Text will be:

- Delivered directly on full screen
- Not stored in the history
- Only with a "Dismiss" Button

In the worst case, flash texts will be handled as a regular text messages.

Set Time
Optional, set date and time when your joke SMS should arrive the recipient. You multiple the fun when you sit next to your friends and your joke SMS pops up.